Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hidden USB Keys

How do you sneak in a USB key? Wear it on your neck hiding in plain site, disguised as something rough and tough like the Razor Blade Necklace USB Key that ships with "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" soundtrack boxed set. How will it look on you?

Perhaps something less edgier to mark the first day of the Lunar Year of the Dragon. Happy Chinese New Year! For a little bit of luck, you could carry around a USB stick hidden as Hello Kitty in a Dragon costume. Where to buy your own Hello Kitty!
If you like the Calvin Klein bling factor, this is the spy-wear for you. Read more at technabob, found via Ubergizmo

For a thousand other good ideas on the best hidden USB keys, check out this photo gallery someone has already created.

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