Monday, January 23, 2012

FREE Bootable Linux Image CD

Of course it's free if you Do It Yourself!  The bootable disk should contain only one file, a *.iso file. Oddly, when you view the disk contents in Windows you will see directories with the required files.

The secret command is mkisofs. To create a bootable Linux installation CD for your new server, these are the files (names may vary) you will need from an existing server with the similar hardware, operating system and revisions:
  1. initrd.img
  2. isolinux.bin
  3. isolinux.cfg
  4. linux (kernel)
* Where isolinux is the original directory where all these components reside

1. Create the iso file
Do a man mkisofs
the slash \ allows you to keep writing the same command on the same line

--mkisofs -o /tmp/MyBootImage.iso -b \
isolinux.bin -c -no-emul -boot \
-boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
-R -J -v -T isolinux

Process takes a couple of minutes, go grab a coffee.

2. Burn the MyBootImage.iso to a CD or DVD
Hints: If you're using a Windows Nero program, make sure that you choose a Project or Bootable Image format with the file type *.iso A data CD will not boot, as this is a common mistake.

3. Using your CD or DVD
Make sure your RAID configuration is set properly.

Make sure you choose the correct boot sequence.

Simply load the disk into the tray. Make sure that it is a DVD going into a DVD drive (I've made that mistake before on a Dell 2850, so I had to swap out the CD drive for a DVD drive).

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