Monday, March 5, 2012

Doing My Own Cisco Tech Support

Cisco has a really good tech support hot line. I put in a TAC request for a pretty simple question about not being able to configure the serial port.

Create Serial Sub Interface Cisco 2811

"Hi. I can't access the serial port, was trying to configure serial 1/0 on my router cisco 2811 but I guess it does not exist?
The cisco online help says to try
Controller t1 0/0/0
Framing esf
Linecode b8zs
Channel-group 0 timeslots 1-24 speed 64
I did show controllers and all kinds of hardware descriptions pop up but not t1 specifically
The router didn't know what to do with the controller command, I checked the hardware but it does not have a serial port. Is that possible?"

I guess I could pause next time, and give the guy a chance to talk or take notes. Anyway I couldn't immediately provide the serial number on the unit cuz I wasn't logged in and I didn't have the service contract searchable right in front of me. So I mention that I will login and write up the TAC online. While clicking online and trying to find the TAC gui, I stumble upon the link for T1 HWIC cards, like the one that is NOT even plugged into to my unit. There is no WAN interface and link connected, the T1 truly does not exist!

I didn't even have a Cisco T1/ E1 WAN Interface Cards
Anywayz I feel rather silly about calling in the first place but now I have confirmed that the show controller command really works! Once again it is the USER error.

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