Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Hello Barbie, Hello World

Can you imagine your child talking to a wifi-connected Barbie doll? And the doll talks back? I acknowledge there could be privacy concerns but this is very impressive to have such a capability to capture and record the voice data, retransmit the data, process and analyse the data (children are so complicated), and send a clever reply back in near real time to have a proper conversation.

There are folks hugely concerned with safety and privacy, of just plain electronic interference. How about a doll being too chatty, would be my concern! Toys with too much noise and they dont stop making noise. Where is the off switch! The doll is not available in Canada yet but the CBC news is ranting and raving all about it, more of a bad review.

I like the more balanced view of the reporting on this newest high-tech evolution of a classic toy, from PC Mag. I am game to bring home this new toy for my kid. I will try not to talk to the doll too much, and ask for fashion or relationship advice. I promise!

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