Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lululemon Warehouse Sale

Braving twenty-something degrees subzero temperatures on Friday yesterday in Ottawa, thousands of women arrived in droves and fought through crowds of very athletic and ambitious like-minded women to grab something from the Lululemon Warehouse Sale in Ottawa.

It was 9am and I was somewhere other than where I wanted to be... with these thousand other women who had waited hours to get in! I was on my computer at work, reading about the sale. Even my coworkers, who happen to be men, were wondering why I wasn`t missing work to be there. Seriously, I couldn`t more than agree.  Anyway they were getting the occassionally live update from the girlfriend, wife, daughter etc.  My husband on the other hand is the guy looking up the stock market online, and checking how good his Lululemon is doing today.

I waited until 7pm to get there after work, after the gym, after swimming; perhaps hoping the mad crowd would`ve somewhat dispersed; knowing all the good stuff would be gone, and the early morning crowds would`ve moved on. I couldn`t even get to the $7 parking lot gate entrance, where among other vehicles I was told by security that the fire marshall had to close the event and limit further admission. Apparently this already happened at 6:15pm.

It was easy for me to just make a quick U-turn in my zippy little black Prius, while watching the long line of other vehicles, hopeless to face the same fate. Needless to say the husband felt that much richer since I didn`t end up buying anything at the Lululemon Warehouse Sale, and guess what he was doing when I got home.

Sale Day 3
I did end up going to the Lululemon Warehouse Sale on the final day. The final tally: one faux-fur trim hoodie in white, grey track pants, and six men's items for $100. Glad I waited till the last day. I only lined up less than 10 minutes to get in to the sale, and 1 hour to pay. I parked far though, cuz I wanted to free parking. Not many people could say they trekked in from the NRC wind tunnel to save the $7 on parking.

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